Sunday, August 1, 2010

Success Tips From The Boss of Beras Faiza

By: MiePekan

It was a great pleasure reading an article about Faiza Bawumi in Mingguan Malaysia this morning [1/8/2010]. Who is Faiza Bawumi? Do you know “Beras Faiza”? Well, she is the founder of the company known as Syarikat Faiza Sdn Bhd. Here, I just would like to share some interesting success points from this great entrepreneur…

1. Bangun tidur pukul 4:30 pagi setiap hari dan tidur awal sekitar pukul 10:30 malam.
2. Tidak lupa membaca Al-Quran setiap hari.
3. Niat beliau untuk berniaga bukanlah untuk menjadi kaya raya, tetapi untuk mambantu ,masyaraka di negara ini seramai mana yg boleh agar mereka juga dapat merasa rezeki yg diperolehi…Syarikat Faiza muncul di antara syarikat yg paling tinggi membayar zakat di Malaysia.
4. Mengamalkan solat sunat Dhuha dan tidak lupa membaca surah Al-Waq’iah.
5. Mengangap semua pekerjanya sebagai anak sendiri.
6. Jika pekerja buat salah, beri amaran tiga kali; tak berubah jugak…mintak letak jawatan.

Those are of the great tips from this great lady. Maybe we can learn something…

Saturday, April 24, 2010

For Your Health and Beauty

Looking for great local magazines that talk very much about health and beauty? I got one great magazine for you..Its name says it all….Health and Beauty. This magazine is great. Very informative and readers friendly. I read it April 2010 issue and they talking about Gout and special booklet on Cancer. Congratulations to this great magazine and I surely recommend to everyone that is health and beauty conscious. The price is very reasonable at RM6.50. It is worth the money.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

“Jutawan” is a good magazine

Nowadays there are so many magazines published in the market. Yes, I am talking about local publications. Congratulations to those publishers in making their best efforts to educate the society. Recently I just came across “Jutawan” magazine. Yes, it is written in Bahasa. I had read this magazines before on its early issues. Much improvement noted for its March issue. Great job to them. As its name suggests, this magazine is fulled with great tips and ideas on how be a millionaire! Should read this magazine. The price is reasonable at 8.90/=.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Latest From Robin Sharma

Just bought the latest book written by one of my favourite gurus; Robin Sharma. The the title of the book is “The Leader Who Had No Title”. Found this book while busy pacifying my soul due to my recent “Loss”. Thank God for giving me some lights while me having such as a down moment.

Flipping through the pages..and I know it is a great book . Less than 48 hours, I had reached page 52 (out of 198). Very very interesting book. You should read it . Unlike his previous two great books; Greatness Guide 1 and 2, this latest book was written in a story format. Excellent. The price is only RM57.50.

Some of the great quotes from the first 4 chapters:

“ You do not have to have a title to be a leader”.

“ Leaders are those individuals who do the things that failures are not willing to do – even though they might not like doing them either”.

“ Leadership is not only something to do at work. We need to practice leadership within every arena we play”.

Go buy and read this book.

Written by MiePekan who Lives To Inspire